Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's amazing how just a little can help....

Let me start by saying I took this picture from my friend Pat's Blog as she too wrote about this charity project.

Pat came across a Blog called Craft Hope which is a group that selects charity projects throughout the year and lets others know how to help. A few months back, they posted about the need for sanitary delivery kits in Haiti. Many of the moms and babies die during childbirth from just simply lack of sanitation.

Pat reached out to our friendship group, The Wednesday Wackos, and together we were able to put together 60 of these little bags.  There was a supply list of bar soap, string, gloves, alcohol swaps, plastic sheeting and a few more little items plus we made receiving blankets and added a small toy and put all in a one gallon Zip Lock Bag.

I'm so glad Pat found was one of those feel good projects for sure.  It is just amazing how just a little can help.

Happy Quilting,
Pam O.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Pat found this for us. It was a feel good project and a great cause.


Thanks so much for you comment, I love that you stopped by to read my Blog.