Monday, February 15, 2010

A Slow Return

Well, I'm off to a very slow start in 2010. I took a very bad fall on New Years Eve and broke my shoulder.

I wanted to you let you know I'm on the road to recovery, this is my first day trying to type, however, it will be some time before I can sit at my sewing machine.

I do want to take this time to thank my family and friends for all your good wishes, flowers, cards, visits and best of all the good meals that were brought to Carlos and I. I love you all for the help and support.

The photo is an applique I did this last year and the flowers were from my friend Pat B., just a picture of what I have had the opportunity to do this last month, sit back and enjoy my coffee and smell the flowers.

Will be back to posting real soon.
Pamela O.
(this was a prior posting, deleted by mistake)

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